Got some good sleep today, but can feel the flu creeping up. But later in the afternoon I was pretty much kidnapped by my buds and they took me to California Sandwiches for lunch. Now mind you, if you never seen a California Sandwich, they are super huge! (see below)
Since we were all too hype to have the sandwich, I didn't want to be "that guy" to be a "kill joy" of the moment and enjoyed the delicious sandwich with the rest of them(yes..sometimes it's just better to shut-up). Since it was so big("that's what she said"), I only ate half and trashed the other half later on when they weren't looking. Hehehe.. I will however tell them later on about their 'healthy' choices of foods at a more mellow moment or while at the gym.
So, looking over the day, no workouts (rest day)....Tomorrow is healthy eating and no scheduled workout....Will get some additional sleep to get over this flu.
See here for last weeks picture and status results

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